
Teachers fear online risks in learning, and theory should be understood

Keeping researchers on board and a humanistic approach to support

Getting to grips with the theory

Use of lived experience to tackle attitudes and boost understanding

A model of community life and research on menopause focuses on women themselves

Support can work from a distance, and being in the same boat has potential mental health benefits

Children with profound disabilities make decisions, and group compassion therapy aids mental health

Life stories contribute to a sense of identity, and mental health needs should be acknowledged

The things that make people feel they belong, and adult siblings connect people to communities

Insights from stories of pandemic life, the history of self-advocacy and working in academia

Insights from stories of pandemic life, the history of self-advocacy and working in academia

Research – Stories from yesterday resonate today and shared decision-making makes research inclusive

Putting research right

Advocacy research: ‘with not for’

When family members grow older

What gets in the way of relationships?

What helps women leave secure wards?

Positive cultures and honest words

Research: Lack of influence and participation by self-advocates

Can adapted psychological therapies help with depression and improve quality of life?

Research – Fathers with learning disabilities

Research: Trained staff can help people overcome the barriers they face in intimate relationships