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In the current issue

In brief

Exhibition remembers British Nazi victims A powerful exhibition reveals the stories of 13 British-born people killed in the Nazi Aktion T4 programme. Finding Ivy, a Life Worthy of Life reflects how, between 1940 and 1941, 70,000 adults in Germany and Austria who were disabled or had mental health issues were deemed to have “lives unworthy

Notice when closing a care home

Suddenly deciding to close a supported living scheme without consulting residents could amount to a breach of their human rights and of other legal duties. Kathryn Gooding reports

Sporting chances

A range of exercise and training opportunities are being designed around the desires of people who often cannot access or afford them. Dolly Galvis and Nikki Chivers report on a local success

Fit notes face a change

Fears have arisen that claiming sickness benefits will become harder, amid claims people are being written off as unfit for work. Charlie Callanan reports on pre-election proposals

Friends on the line

People detained in mental health hospitals are being supported by peers who understand from first-hand experience what they are going through. Ben Higgins reports

Outside and outspoken

Having lived in institutions for decades, Mabel Cooper was determined they should be torn down, and published her life story to educate and inspire others. Susanna Shapland reports

Getting to grips with the theory

All researchers need to understand theories. So inclusive workshops, with topics chosen by self-advocates, are being organised through an international partnership. Kate Green and Nicola Grove report

Dressed to thrill

Two dancers wowed the audience at Sadler’s Wells, one in bespoke dress created for the occasion. Juliet Diener and Sam Carlisle report on a creative collaboration

Astonishing ballet

Professional dance requires precision and perfection. Where does that leave those with a different body shape or type of mind? Simon Jarrett spends an evening finding out at Sadler’s Wells

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