Welfare rights

Minimum Income Guarantee – a deep financial injustice?

Untangling carer’s allowance

Tribunals make PIP more available

Benefit assessments caused ‘a loss of trust’, say MPs

Government response to damning disability benefits report falls short

Reasonable adjustments when claiming benefits

Benefits – Why it is worthwhile appealing DWP’s decisions

Will Universal Credit work for people with learning disabilities?

What do we know about Direct Payments’ PAs?

Universal Credit – Slipping timetables and a raft of concerns

The rules are more complex but a child may still qualify for DLA

Negotiating the direct payments maze

How can we help people who fall through the holes in the safety net?

Preparing people for benefit assessments

DLA to PIP – more hurdles for disabled people to negotiate

Working tax credits remain but there is a sting in the tail

Can your clients avoid cuts to their out-of-work benefits?

Government’s proposal to reduce payments for disabled claimants

Reader challenges Mark Spencer MP to spend a couple of days with her family

Where will the axe fall next?

Getting the best from PIP assessments

The scandal of benefit sanctions