Adult social care

Corona Virus Act 2020 ‘Easement’ Guidance

CASCAIDr legal advice during the Coronavirus Crisis

Corona Virus Act 2020 – CASCAIDr Analysis

National Commissioning and Contracting Conference 12-13 November 2020

CASCAIDr – Keep up-to-date with community care law with webinars and packages

Coercion – when your home is not quite your castle

CASCAIDr walks for justice

Getting creative in commissioning – conference report

Minimum Income, Major Injustice – full article

Minimum Income Guarantee – a deep financial injustice?

Planning and purchasing: shifting the cost to the client

Positive cultures and honest words

Big issues for legal advice. Part 2: attitudinal mindsets

Letters – Care charges and Calderstones cemetery update

Never the twain should meet

Get creative with commissioning

Big issues for legal advice. Part 1: due process

Conferences: Working together for better lives

Alliance to Parliament #SolveSleepIns

Married – but without the capacity to consent to sex?

What’s the Residential Forum?

Commissioners’ conference: Successful Pathways towards Integration – Building Resilience within a Changing World