The watched ones

The watched ones

What it’s like to suffer from epilepsy by Tammy Khan


Epilepsy is a kind of thing very hard to explain

There are many different types

And a lot of different names

First it’s called a seizure but it’s also called a fit

Then there are convulsions or just an epileptic fit.


Not many people know about this

Or haven’t ever seen or heard of it

So there’s panic all round

You can only have been in it for a few seconds

But you’re in an ambulance all the same

Because someone who is frightened

Has dialed 999 – again and again.


You get doctors to try and help you

By medication – taking tablets or medicines

But there are so many different types

That it gets changed again and again.


Now the A attack is the worst

And can be very very bad

It can last for hours

So then it’s called a status attack.


Only a doctor can give the attention that’s needed

The person uses so much energy

They could lose oxygen to their brain

They may be put on a drip

Then hopefully go into a very deep sleep.


The B attack is very similar from the start of the A

But if you are given some medication in time

Will only last a few more minutes.

But because it’s similar to an A

You’re only given it if it’s lasted five minutes.

Times may vary as all people are different

No one is the same.


People suffering from epilepsy cannot drink or drive

They may not be able to go where there’s flashing lights

Or to a cinema or places where there is loud noise.

This puts them in a position where there’s not much they can do.


Now going back to the start of this

To try and help explain

There are sex different kinds of fit

And are alphabetically named.


A – You call a Major and can last a very long time

B – Is quite the same but doesn’t last as long

C – Is called an absence and sometimes you sit on the ground

D – Is called a drop attack where you just fall onto the ground and are up wtihin seconds, not knowing if you are hurt

E – Is one that doesn’t happen often but may be walking while still asleep

F – Is a very mild attack but can be different every time. You don’t always fall in these. It may look as if you are daydreaming but can hear but not respond. Or if they are making a drink or something to eat they may spill or carry on pouring hot water and sadly burn and hurt their hand or another part of their body if not being watched.


All that’s written in this section sadly goes to all as they should be watched all the time. This can make the person angry because being watched when you are 23 makes them feel like a child inside.