A quicker way to find a new home

People with learning disabilities can rarely access private rented accommodation, yet it can be right for those who can live independently and faster to secure than other homes. Care Housing Association can make all the arrangements, says Matthew Eddisford

The provision of housing for people with support needs has long been limited to certain traditional models, most of which require significant initial expense and longer-term commitments from landlords and partner agencies such as local authorities and care providers.

Unfortunately, this means it can be difficult to secure, particularly for people who require something they may not be able to access easily through existing routes or those who need housing in a matter of weeks rather than months.

Care Housing Association has added Faster Housing Solutions (FHS) to its menu of housing options for people requiring support but who are more independent. FHS searches for housing in the private rental market for people who perhaps do not need significant adaptations to their home and are looking to move relatively quickly.

Care works with private landlords and agents to find good-quality properties where people want them. Landlords have the reassurance they are supported by a reputable housing association.


How to apply

How does it work? The starting point is for a person to let Care know exactly what they need and want from their future home.

Care then determines if the application is suitable for FHS. If not – for example if someone needs significant adaptations – we will let the applicant know and perhaps advise them about our alternative models of housing or point them in the direction of other, more suitable options.

If FHS is suitable, great! We work with the applicant to find a home that meets their needs and aspirations. If we find a property that everybody agrees is suitable, we can work quickly to secure it.

Care’s involvement does not end there. Once the property has been secured and the tenancy agreement signed, the person will benefit from a housing management service designed to ensure they can maintain their tenancy.

The service includes:

  • 24-hour repairs and maintenance service
  • Ongoing tenancy support and advice
  • Access to other tenant benefits such as the Care Foundation, which provides £500 grants to tenants for items, services and experiences that improve their lives
  • Peace of mind offered by a reputable, charitable landlord.

The only disadvantage for tenants is that we can offer only assured shorthold tenancies via FHS. As we do not own the property or hold it on a long lease, we cannot offer more security of tenure.

However, we will work with landlords and their agents to ensure tenants can stay in their home for as long as possible and for as long as they wish.


Who is eligible?

We want FHS to be open to as many people as possible. However, applicants for the scheme must:

  • Receive at least 20 hours of support per week. Where the support level drops below this threshold, we may still be able to help, so please contact us
  • Not require any adaptations to the property. For this reason, FHS is not suitable for those who require specialist equipment in their homes, such as hoists and tracking
  • Want to live in the north west of England. We are not offering FHS outside Lancashire and the surrounding areas. FHS is a new concept to Care, but one we believe can be a great success and crucial to people not being catered for by supported housing providers. We found our first “FHS tenant” a property in Preston in September and are working on new applications as we speak.
  • http://careha.org.uk/


Matthew Eddisford is chief executive of Care Housing Association


Contact Care Housing Association

Faster Housing Solutions

Contact project manager Doreen Singleton on doreen@careha.org.uk General enquiries

& 0345 437 7367

@ enquiries@careha.org.uk.

f www.facebook.com/ CareHousingAssociation/