Not all heroes wear capes

Mark Capstick was praised by paramedics after putting his first aid training into practice to help a man who had collapsed outside a gym, reports Peter Green

It was business as usual on a wet, windy October morning at The Woodhouse, Integrate’s wood recycling social enterprise in Preston in Lancashire.

A customer who was browsing a selection of timber spotted a photograph of team member Mark Capstick and exclaimed loudly: “Who is this guy? He saved my life a few nights ago!”

Rewind a couple of months. Capstick, a stalwart at the enterprise, attended a certificated first aid course at Integrate along with several of his colleagues. Over the day, he learned about administering emergency medical assistance in a variety of scenarios.

True to his nature, he listened carefully and participated fully in the course then, along with everyone else, went away, proudly accepting his new credential, and went about his life.

Wood recycling is an industrial process that involves access to tools and machinery that can be dangerous if not used properly. It is important that everyone on site knows what to do in an emergency. A knowledge of first aid is just one facet of site safety that we promote and encourage everyone who attends regularly to undertake training in this.

Capstick is a well-respected team member, diligent, conscientious and caring. On a personal level, he is always striving to better himself and this involves trying to eat healthily and regular visits to a local gym.

It was during one of these gym trips that the story unfolds. Capstick had completed his workout and was leaving the gym when he noticed a man outside who seemed to be struggling. The man appeared a little disorientated and was clearly having difficulty maintaining his balance.

Without giving it a second thought, Capstick went to see if he could help and, while he was talking to him, the man collapsed against him. Without hesitation, he started applying the knowledge he had gained on the first aid course, summoning an ambulance and also tending to the casualty.

Capstick had listened to him and realised he had overdone it in the gym, which had caused him to collapse. When the ambulance arrived, he was supporting the man to sit up and encouraging him to take sips of water. Once the paramedics arrived, they praised him for his quick thinking and for remaining with the man until they could take over.

When I was discussing the incident with Capstick, who was his usual modest self, he simply said: “I could see he needed help so that’s what I gave him.”


Peter Green is project director at Integrate