Easy Read during Corona Virus – Free Help

Photosymbols new website keepsafe.org.uk

The coronavirus crisis is a challenge to all so photosymbols have opened their new website to visitors  and intend to keep adding the latest information in an easy read format . https://www.keepsafe.org.uk/

Books Beyond Words have offered several  FREE easy read books on the Corona Virus and associated issues which help the messages get across:

Beating the Virus: https://booksbeyondwords.co.uk/downloads…/beating-the-virus…

Good days and Bad days: Staying in at home?  https://booksbeyondwords.co.uk/downloads-shop/good-days-bad-days

When someone dies from corona virus https://booksbeyondwords.co.uk/downloads-shop/when-someone-dies-from-coronavirus

NHS easy read information on Corona Virus https://www.easy-read-online.co.uk/media/53192/advice-on-the-coronavirus-v1.pdf  

PHE easy read with ideas about how to manage your wellbeing – physical and mental health
