Report due on effect of Covid by ethnic origin

When healthy people die in their care, providers – and this includes charities and community support – should engage with families and apologise, says Alicia Wood.

Kamran Mallick, chair, VODG Commission on COVID-19, Disablism and Systemic Racism – photo: VODG

A commission set up to investigate Covid’s impact on black, Asian, and minority ethnic disabled people is set to report its findings early this year.

People with a learning disability from an Asian or Asian British background were three times more likely to die from Covid than their white British counterparts, research has shown.

The Voluntary Organisations Disability Group launched its Commission on Covid-19, Disablism and Systemic Racism last summer. The commission, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Trust, has gathered views from people, families and carers.

It also aims to explore how the long-term neglect of social care has had negative outcomes.

Commission chair Kamran Mallick, chief executive of charity Disability Rights UK, said: “The evidence cannot be ignored and compels us all to learn from these experiences, to collectively seek out solutions and identify what must change.”