Spring 2016

Councils disregard the Care Act at their peril

Risk-averse staff are undermining the aims of the Mental Capacity Act

Come out of your comfort zones and work alongside people

DLA to PIP – more hurdles for disabled people to negotiate

The enduring values of the Rathbone family

An ideological Trojan horse – greed and cruelty dressed up as compassion, that’s Dave’s ‘Big Society’

Peggy’s journey

Kick the doors open!

High comedy, tragedy and a crop of witty and polished cartoons

Whatever happened to Larry?

What happened to the ‘Big Society’ for people with learning disabilities?

Searching for the truth about long-stay hospitals

The Coldharbour hospital fire – why did 30 people lose their lives?

The Black Stork and the short life of Baby Bollinger

Expert help at the click of a button

Max Neill – a great advocate

“I really, really want more work”

Creative commissioning in the face of budget cuts