The summer Community Living issue will report on Lancaster University’s launch of the exhibition of the art work inspired by Connor’s death and the Justice for LB campaign. Thanks to My Life My Choice and Oxford Digital Media, with funding from Oxford City Council this is the film about his life Film about Connor’s life & Justicefor LB campaign. It’s now 2 years since the end of the 2nd series of activities across 107 days – how long Connor was in that unit before his preventable death. We hope for some ultimate legislation inspired by the LBBill which was written in response to this tragedy and also by the fate of so many others who’ve died ir are stuck miles away in such units. The change of government means that lobbying must continue and we also saw yesterday (3rd July) the progress report on the Transformation of Services Progress Report on Transforming Care. Slow progress continues but the main issue remains that almost as fast as people are discharged new people are admitted so local relevant services remain a dream. The consultation on the Green Paper No Voice Unheard No Right Ignored has finished but will we see action?