Mencap has set up a review to examine the Government’s proposal to reduce payments for disabled claimants in the Employment and Support Allowance Work Related Activity Group (ESA-WRAG) from £102.15 a week to £73.10.
You are invited to send evidence to this review, led by the Independent Peer Lord Low of Dalston.
The proposed change is outlined in the Welfare Reform and Work Bill currently being debated in Parliament and would take effect from 2017.
This review is being supported by the by disability charities including Leonard Cheshire, Mind, MS Society, National Autistic Society, RNIB, Royal Mencap Society and Scope. A report will be published in December containing the findings and presented to the Government.
Mencap would like to hear from disabled people, their families, charities and other organisations on this subject. They are seeking answers to four questions set out in three formats:
1- for organisations
2- for individuals/families affected by ESA
3- an easy-read version for individuals/families affected by ESA
The deadline to collect all responses is midnight, 15th November. Please try and get these attachments out to whoever you can in the next few days.
Please submit evidence to:
Natalie Armitage
Public Affairs Assistant & Secretary to the Parliamentary Review into ESA
Tel: 020 7696 6952
Royal Mencap Society
123 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0RT
Consultation ESA WRAG organisations final.doc1 (46.5 KB)
Consultation ESA WRAG individuals final.doc2 (39.5 KB)
ESA WRAG ER FINAL .doc2 (740 KB)