Winter 2018

Have people with learning disabilities become financial assets?

Who speaks for people with learning disabilities?

How organisations can restore human values in their systems

Organisations get together to discuss how Positive Behaviour Support could change people’s lives

How social workers can help people live the lives they want

A reason to get up in the morning

The fight for the right to love

How Matthew got his Life Back

Social Care Law – What is the law on capacity to have sex?

Parenting as a human right: is there justice for parents with learning disabilities

Benefits – Why it is worthwhile appealing DWP’s decisions

Moments in History a Passionate Advocate

A Trail Blazing Actor and an Empathetic Documentary

Float like a butterfly, sting like a … burger bun

Morgan & James Research social work role

Building Resilience in a Changing World

Who’s Afraid of Robocare?